#Infinite Health= on
0x004c9628 0x00000000
#Infinite health= off
0x004C9628 0x00000001
#NO Shock
;Protects against nades
;and placed explosives
0x005fe21c 0x00000000
0x005fe220 0x00000000
0x005fdf08 0x00000000
0x005fdf0c 0x00000000
0x005fe530 0x00000000
0x005fe534 0x00000000
0x005fd818 0x00000000
0x005fd12c 0x00000000
0x005fd128 0x00000000
0x005fd81c 0x00000000
#Immune to Rockets
;Still get Knocked down
0x005fee68 0x00010000
0x005fee6c 0x00010000
0x005feb44 0x00010000
0x005feb48 0x00010000
#Revive Yourself DMA (15hZ)
0x00000114 0x00000004
#The HealthCode
;L+UP for double health
;L+Left for full health
;L+down to commit suicide
;R+L+X to revive self
0x00000098 0x0a400480
0x00801200 0x3c0909a8
0x00801204 0x8d29e1e4
0x00801208 0x3c0808cb
0x0080120c 0x250853c0
0x00801210 0x8d0a0000
0x00801214 0x340b0110
0x00801218 0x340c0180
0x0080121c 0x340d0140
0x00801220 0x340e4300
0x00801224 0x112b0010
0x0080122c 0x112c0012
0x00801234 0x112d0014
0x0080123c 0x11000015
0x00801244 0x152e0013
0x0080124c 0x3c0f08d0
0x00801250 0x35ef5fcc
0x00801254 0x8df80000
0x00801258 0x24190004
0x0080125c 0xaf190114
0x00801260 0x0a4004a5
0x00801268 0x3c0f43a0
0x0080126c 0xad4f0a0c
0x00801270 0x0a4004a5
0x00801278 0x3c0f430c
0x0080127c 0xad4f0a0c
0x00801280 0x0a4004a5
0x00801288 0x3c0fffff
0x0080128c 0xad4f09a4
0x00801290 0xad4f09a8
0x00801294 0x03e00008
#Infinite medkits
0x005ff194 0x05580558
#Perfect Respawn
0xFFFFFFFF 0x00505858
0x00000A60 0xFFFFFFFF