This tutorial will teach you how to get the
outside your tag in FTB2
ok first you will need a tag imposter;
0x005892F8 0x4D4A006E
0x005892fC 0x00004B63
0x00589300 0x45430000
0x00F8B370 0x00000000<----Edit this hex 1st
0x00F8B374 0x00000000
0x00F8B378 0x00000000
0x00F8B37C 0x00000000
0x00F8B380 0x00000000
0x00F8B384 0x00000000
0x00F8B388 0x00000000
0x00F8B38C 0x00000000
0x00F8B390 0x00000000
0x00F8B394 0x00000000
0x00F8B398 0x00000000
0x00F8B39C 0x00000000
0x00F8B3A0 0x00000000
0x00F8B3A4 0x00000000
okay so there is the meme to make your tag
here are the hex vaules that you input into the meme;
Cap Letters: Lower Letters: Numbers:
A=41 a=61 0=30
B=42 b=62 1=31
C=43 c=63 2=32
D=44 d=64 3=33
E=45 e=65 4=34
F=46 f=66 5=35
G=47 g=67 6=36
H=48 h=68 7=37
I=49 i=69 8=38
J=4A j=6A 9=39
K=4B k=6B
L=4C l=6C
M=4D m=6D
N=4E n=6E
O=4F o=6F
P=50 p=70
Q=51 q=71
R=52 r=72
S=53 s=73
T=54 t=74
U=55 u=75
V=56 v=76
W=57 w=77
X=58 x=78
Y=59 y=79
Z=5A z=7A
Symbols: Cap Euro Letters: Lower Euro Letters:
[SPACE]=20 À=c0c3 à=a0c3
!=21 Á=c1c3 á=a1c3
"=22 Â=c2c3 â=a2c3
#=23 Ã=c3c3 ã=a3c3
$=24 Ä=c4c3 ä=a4c3
%=25 Å=c5c3 å=a5c3
&=26 Æ=c6c3 æ=a6c3
'=27 Ç=c7c3 ç=a7c3
(=28 È=c8c3 è=a8c3
)=29 É=c9c3 é=a9c3
*=2A Ê=cac3 ê=aac3
+=2B Ë=cbc3 ë=abc3
,=2C Ì=ccc3 ì=acc3
-=2D Í=cdc3 í=adc3
.=2E Î=cec3 î=aec3
/=2F Ï=cfc3 ï=afc3
:=3A Ñ=d1c3 ñ=b1c3
;=3B Ò=d2c3 ò=b2c3
<=3C Ó=d3c3 ó=b3c3
==3D Ô=d4c3 ô=b4c3
>=3E Õ=d5c3 õ=b5c3
?=3F Ö=d6c3 ö=b6c3
@=40 Ø=d8c3 ø=b8c3
[=5B Ù=d9c3 ù=b9c3
\=5C Ú=dac3 ú=bac3
]=5D Û=dbc3 û=bbc3
^=5E Ü=dcc3 ü=bcc3
_=5F Ÿ=b8c5 ÿ=bfc3
`=60 ß=9fc3
Euro STuff Other:
=A284E2 #N=4E23
¡=A1 {*0}=7D302A7B
=A9 {*1}=7D312A7B
«=AB {*2}=7D322A7B
=AE {tri}=7D6972747B
°=B0 {dUP}=7D5055647B
»=BB {dDown}=7D6E776F44647B
¿=BF {dRight}=7D7468676952647B
{*0} = white
{*1} = red
{*2} = yellow
#N = next line
{tri} = Triangle
{dUP} = D-pad up
{dDown} = D-pad down
{dRight} = D-pad right
{dLeft} = D-pad left
{Circ} = Circle
{X} = Cross
{sq} Square
{Select} = SELECT
{Start} = START
{L1} = Left Trigger
{R1} = Right Trigger
{Stick} = Analogue Stick
okay so now that you have your hex values you can make your tag;
okay my example will be [MiLk]
ok now remember
-The tag can only be 15 characters
Okay so now i will show you how to make the [MiLk]
first get the meme i posted earlier in the topic.....
now edit the hex from right to left so..
<-----<----<----This way<-----<-----<-----
okay now we input the hexes. Input all the hex's backward from what your spelling.
M=4D -Last thing to input
i=69 -Third
L=4C -Second
k=6B -First thing to input
okay the code to put the
on the outside is
okay now lets input the values
0x005892F8 0x4D4A006E
0x005892fC 0x00004B63
0x00589300 0x45430000
0x00F8B370 0x6B4C694D
0x00F8B374 0xA21EE25D <-- This is the ] And the TM
0x00F8B378 0x00D9D8EE <-- This is the code to put TM after ]
0x00F8B37C 0x00000000
0x00F8B380 0x00000000
0x00F8B384 0x00000000
0x00F8B388 0x00000000
0x00F8B38C 0x00000000
0x00F8B390 0x00000000
0x00F8B394 0x00000000
0x00F8B398 0x00000000
0x00F8B39C 0x00000000
0x00F8B3A0 0x00000000
0x00F8B3A4 0x00000000
If you want to add Color to it then just add the line for color above the code with letters.
0x005892F8 0x4D4A006E
0x005892fC 0x00004B63
0x00589300 0x45430000
0x00F8B370 0x7D312A7B
0x00F8B374 0x6B4C694D
0x00F8B378 0x00000000
0x00F8B37C 0x00000000
0x00F8B380 0x00000000
0x00F8B384 0x00000000
0x00F8B388 0x00000000
0x00F8B38C 0x00000000
0x00F8B390 0x00000000
0x00F8B394 0x00000000
0x00F8B398 0x00000000
0x00F8B39C 0x00000000
0x00F8B3A0 0x00000000
0x00F8B3A4 0x00000000
The red line is where you would put the code to make the text red in-game. For multiple colors just go as you would and add another color code underneath your first text and continue normally.
0x005892F8 0x4D4A006E
0x005892fC 0x00004B63
0x00589300 0x45430000
0x00F8B370 0x7D312A7B
0x00F8B374 0x6B4C694D
0x00F8B378 0x7D322A7B
0x00F8B37C 0xA21EE25D <-- This is the ] And the TM
0x00F8B380 0x00D9D8EE <-- This is the code to put TM after ]
0x00F8B384 0x00000000
0x00F8B388 0x00000000
0x00F8B38C 0x00000000
0x00F8B390 0x00000000
0x00F8B394 0x00000000
0x00F8B398 0x00000000
0x00F8B39C 0x00000000
0x00F8B3A0 0x00000000
0x00F8B3A4 0x00000000